The hardest part about writing this blog is WRITING THIS BLOG! My aim as I said in the beginning was to do it once a day to keep myself focused and motivated so here's my entry for the day.
I only had 2 more backers today. Interesting. The bright side is I'm up to almost 1/2 of my overall goal in a couple days. I'm not so much worried about reaching the goal but I want more backers that arent just supporting to be supporting (and believe me while I appreciate all the support I can get) I want to see backers come back because they actually want to read my comic. Again the responsibility comes from me to make sure as many people as I can notice so I'm not gonna gripe knowing I have to hustle more.
I found a good Facebook Ads custom audience targeting video that if yall are interest in click here to check out. I'm already in Tyler James' Comixlaunch group where we get a ton of coaching on how to run a successful Kickstarter so while I'll go back to the drawing board watching those very informative videos of his, this best practices video on how to use facebook ads to target emails lists was pretty informative. There is a lot of backend business stuff you have to get to before you can start to do it and it can be a little time consuming. Again stuff I probably should have done before I started the campaign but you live and you learn. Anyway using your email list to target people on facebook is a really great strategy to go to especially since you already got that engagement in place for them to be on your list. If you have been using facebook ads and just been spending blinding like I have experimenting with campaigns you've probably been thinking facebook ads are just a waste of money. I've accumulated almost 300 emails and while I've been emailing folks from one angle letting them about my stuff it's nice to know that I can go from another angle to keep them interested when the open rate of the emails aren't that high.
Hit them in the front then come hit them from the side to let them know you're still there!
So that's my experience so far with email target marketing. I plan to put it in action tomorrow when I have more time to view all the details but I still was able to put out another ad that I'm experimenting with that advertises how to get a free 20 page ashcan preview of The Themes of Thieves comic. We'll see if this gets a better response than my last campaign since I changed the ad image to this:

So how's my diet going you ask? Good. Had an orange this morning then some roasted turkey slices in the afternoon and then some salmon, broccoli and a salad for dinner. I feel good! Not as tire but I didn't get a chance to exercise on the treadmill so I'll DEFINITELY get back to that tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow it's my birthday so hopefully that means I'll get more backer luck. But in order for that luck to happen I have to prepare more and create opportunities for myself so stay tuned.
As always if you like what you're reading and want to support CLICK ON THE PIC BELOW to check out my Kickstarter and make a pledge on The Theme of Thieves issues 1 & 2! I appreciate ya!