Ok, so I missed a day of posting. Sue me. You may actually have a case! My defense would be that THE BATMAN JUST CAME OUT! I know it sounds like an excuse and truthfully I didn’t have ANY pledges come in the past 2 days so I SHOULD be paying more attention to that. I am 95% to goal but I’m less than halfway off my backer total goal from my last Kickstarter. I am not trending to reach that 100 backer goal I had so after this campaign ends I’m going to have to dig in to the numbers and analyze where things went. I got about 11 days left and there are always last minute stragglers that end up pledging so we’ll see. But again THE BATMAN! I had to make time to see it! 3 damn hours! Whew!
This was some movie though. With no spoilers I’ll say that as greet as the movie was it was just a tad too long. It could have been cut by 45 minutes and would have came off as a super solid movie. Robert Pattison was a great the Dark Knight, Zoe Kravitz was an excellent Catwoman but Paul Dano as The Riddler was PHENOMENAL! The movie reminded me of Seven and was purely a thriller. It highlighted his detective skills which is what I always wanted in a Batman movie. The movie was relentlessly dark and definitely not for kids. You can watch this movie and think it was Rated R except for the fact that Warner Bros. would never put their prize possession in a position where it would cut off its legs with an R rating. My only detraction is that I wish this Batman would connect with super powered heroes in future movies. From articles I’m reading it doesn’t seem like Warner is interested in doing what Marvel is doing with their movies. They play a little conservative with their properties and to me it’s a missed opportunity when you can't find a way to connect different tones despite the fact that these are comic book characters the ALL exist in the same universe and interact in the comics.
So even though I missed a day of posting I did not miss a day of dieting. Yesterday I ate light and then went out to dinner with my wife for Batman date night and we ate at PF Chang’s. The dinner experience was very disappointing. Our reservation was for 6:30 and while we were 15 minutes late we still ended up getting seated by 7pm. Plenty of time to make the 8pm Batman showing right? So we sat down and five minutes later they sat another couple next to us. The waitress took a minute to get our water to us so I wasn’t too pressed. Another waitress took the order of the couple next to us and sure nuff they ended up getting their food BEFORE us. We have yet to get our meal after our waitress took our order and about 7:45pm the couple is done with their meal and we have YET to receive our order! Again The BATMAN starts at 8pm! By then I’m livid because now I’m going to have to rush dinner in order to get to the showing and I can’t exchange my tix because it’s too close to showtime. I ask for the manager and complain about the service and he was gracious enough to give us more than half off our meal because of the inconvenience. We left the restaurant with our boxed food and fortunately did make it to see the start of the movie just in time. Sigh. It was as great night with my wife although I wish the dinner experience was better. Things happen so you have to let it go. I ate light today also.
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